**Hello!** I'm [Marc Sanchis](https://linktr.ee/marc_sanchis), a Telecommunications student at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). This is my blog and personal page, where I'll talk about my projects, whether they be updates, research, or curiosities, and everything tech- and science-related (mainly).
# My projects
Lately, I have got myself into many projects, each more exciting than the latter:
## Hyperloop UPV

Hyperloop is a concept for a new transport system for cargo and passengers. [Hyperloop UPV](https://hyperloopupv.com) is part of the Generación Espontánea initiative by the UPV, which aims to help students develop ideas and experience with projects like this one.
Having won the international competition at Zurich in the 23-24 season, I now face the challenge of directing the vehicle's communications systems and managing five members as a Project Manager.

[ROOT](https://root.cern/) is a powerful software framework used primarily for data analysis in scientific fields like particle physics. It provides tools for handling large datasets, performing complex mathematical computations, and creating high-quality visualisations. ROOT is widely used by researchers at institutions like [CERN](https://home.cern/), helping them analyse experimental data and make discoveries in areas such as particle physics and astronomy. With its versatility and speed, ROOT is an essential tool for scientists working with big data.
I'm working on C++ and ROOT to learn how exactly data is handled in some of the world's largest experiments, focusing on particle physics.
## Writing all my class notes in LaTeX

>'LaTeX is a software system for typesetting documents [...]. Latex is widely used in academia for the communication and publication of scientific documents and technical note-taking in many fields' -**Wikipedia**
For me, LaTeX is the definitive way of taking notes; using a dedicated ecosystem can make taking notes with LaTeX a painless experience and give excellent results.
I must thank [Gilles Castel](https://castel.dev/) for inspiring me to use this fantastic software and for his [guide](https://castel.dev/post/lecture-notes-1/) to LaTeX effective note-taking with Vim.